Search Results
Imbibition of molten a PbI2 drop by (25,25) carbon nanotube
Imbibition of molten a PbI2 drop by (25,25) BN nanotube
Imbibition of molten a PbI2 drop by (21,21) MoS2 nanotube
MD simulation of BiCl3 imbibition by (20,20)@(25,25) CNT
Capillary absorption of a non-wetting droplet
GdCl3 imbibition by WS2 nanotube
nanotubes switch
Carbon Nanotubes Gripped & Ripped
Synthesis of lead(II) iodide (synthese van loodjodide, PbI2)
Drainage and imbibition in natural porous media
Fullerene Impact on Single Walled 10,10 Armchair Nanotube